Battle Royale Mode Play Guide
Last updated
Last updated
Wait Phase
Interact with other players while waiting for the game to start. Other players may join the game during this phase.
Game Start
Glide down to the world below and look for crates that you can break open to start gearing up.
While gliding, you may choose to drop down early so that you may reach your target sooner.
Gear Up And Survive
Loot items and manage your quick slots as you only have 6. Consume what you can and keep it optimal for your survival. Press the number key for the slot you want to use, then click the left mouse button to use the item.
Energy Storm
Keep an eye on the minimap as the storm closes in. Keep moving and stay in the circle.
Crates, Items, Roamers
Different crates contain different items. Locate and break the one that you need most.
Weapon Items
A hammer is given to you by default. It is the best option when cracking open crates. It may also be helpful when you are out of ammo.
Grenade And Guns (Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun, Grenade launcher)
These are your main arsenal to eliminate other players. Try them out and get used to the range and damage it can do. Headshots are a vital part of maximizing your chances of survival.
Consumable Items
Health/Shield Recovery Items
Hoard recovery items so that you may last longer. Your movement speed and actions are limited when using recovery items so use them from cover.
There are ground and airborne roamers wandering around the world. If there’s no more loot for you to have, you can destroy the roamers to get some loot.
A Special item that you can equip to gain an advantage. Move to higher grounds for a better view of the world around you. Use short bursts to manage the gas left in the tank.
Game Over
Check your rewards and match ranking when you are eliminated. You can spectate other players still in the game.
You can check the controls by pressing F1 while playing.